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Key Health Exams

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doctor-checking-breathing-problem-sick-senior-woman-hospital- key health examMany experts disagree about the frequency of regular health exams. Some believe that it should be based on a person’s age and personal and family health history. However, the experts do agree that there are some key health exams that adults should have. These exams along with regular check-ups can aid in preventing diseases before they get a foothold in our bodies. They can also catch health problems when they are in the early stages. Discuss having the following health tests with your physician and your insurance company.


High blood pressure affects almost one in five Americans. It is a leading risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and vision problems. Most authorities confer that adults’ blood pressure should be less than 140/90 mm Hg. They also recommend that it should be checked during every visit to their physician. A yearly blood pressure reading is good to establish a baseline. The US Task Force recommends everyone ages 3 and older have regular blood pressure checks according to their physician. The Task Force also recommends that blood pressure should be monitored according to your physician’s recommendations. This takes place after a review of personal and family history as well as known risk factors.  This 


Cholesterol plays a key role in the clogging of coronary arteries that supply oxygen to the heart muscle. It is checked by testing your blood. The Task Force recommends cholesterol checks every five years if your reading is normal, but yearly if your reading is high. The National Cholesterol Education Program suggests getting a blood test that provides a breakdown of the ratio between the two major types of cholesterol. The HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is the good cholesterol and the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the bad cholesterol.


A test of your blood can determine many things according to Maria Eure, a writer for Senior Health. Blood counts are done to rule out any internal bleeding. Glucose is checked to detect diabetes, blood electrolytes are checked to detect kidney problems and early heart problems. Finally, blood work can also test for proper thyroid functions.  This is one of the universal key health exams. 


This test checks for blood in stool, sometimes an indication of PRE malignant or cancerous growths in the colon. The American College of Physicians and the American Cancer Society recommend yearly tests for everyone over 50 years of age.


Your physician scans your skin for any signs of melanoma. This scan should be done according to personal/family history and physician’s recommendation.


An annual Pap smear, which can detect cervical cancer, and a pelvic exam is recommended for every woman once she becomes sexually active. The physician typically does a clinical breast exam during this visit as well. The American Cancer Society suggests that women ages 40 – 49 begin yearly or bi-yearly (according to physician’s recommendation) mammograms. ACS recommends that women over 50 go for a mammogram each year.


The ACS endorses yearly digital prostate exams for men beginning at age 40. The society also recommends an annual PSA test. This is a prostate-specific antigen blood test that can indicate cancer. This is an important key health exam for men.  


If you’re over 50 years of age you may want to consider these checks/tests as well. Have your physician take your weight and height annually. Height loss can signal osteoporosis. Weight loss, without trying, can signify signs of disease. Eure writes that a baseline EKG should be done at age 50 to monitor the heart and heart rate. You may also consider a chest x-ray which can detect lung cancer, tuberculosis, and emphysema.

Experts agree that the bottom line on health tests and regular check-ups should be determined by you and your physician. Family history and risk factors are important determinations in your health care. Regular visits to your physician help you to establish a long-term relationship and good rapport. Always review your medications with your doctor, get your feet examined if you’re a diabetic, and don’t be afraid to discuss your emotional health.

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Here is more information on other key health exams. 

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